School Journey October 2024

Last full day here in Grittleton house

We awoke to the lovely sounds of “Let it go”, the children did not seem to know the Disney classic at 7:30 this morning- they do now.

Less on the field this morning, more chose the lazy option.


Breakfast was beans, toast and boiled eggs. Oh and of course cereal and yoghurt. I think St Helens has caused a world shortage of cereals- Who knew so many cocoa pops could fit into such tiny bodies.


Our first activities this morning were off to a great start- the sun was shining and we were happy.

Group 1- Scooters and Skateboarding- taking place in the large sports dome.

Group 2- Den Building- taking place in the woods

Group 3-Sensory Adventure- taking place in a secret part of the garden that the children had not seen before

Break came, snacks were eaten and we were off.


Group 1- Fire Lighting- or as we like to call it arson club!! I promise they have been told not to practice at home- Or School (Mr LeCuirot- honest)

Group 2 - Scooters and Skateboarding- Helmet, knee and elbow pads and gloves at the ready.

Group 3- Den Building- we could choose from an “A-frame” den or a “lean -to”.

After lugging trees around to make dens and tearing around the large sports hall, lunch was needed.

Lunch today was soup and baguette with cheese and/or ham. The instructors said that the soup was good and they were right- we tried it and it was delicious.

A quick game of football and searching for bugs (if anyone knows why slugs are orange could they let me know as I have some very inquisitive children on my hands, oh and if any of the parents are foragers and can identify the hundreds of different types of mushrooms I have been made to photograph that too would be helpful) then we were off to our afternoon activities.


Group 1- Sensory Adventure- Finding out what it is like to have one of your senses taken away and have to navigate an obstacle course.

Group 2- Fire Lighting- it is amazing how quickly a fire can start with a little bit of cotton wool and a flint.

Group 3- Scooters and Skateboarding- The children have been taught bunny hops, duck downs and a number of them now want to ask Santa for skateboards!


Group 1- Den Building- who knew carrying giant logs and trees and propping them up against other logs and trees could be so much fun.

Group 2- Sensory Adventure- Well not my favourite I was bowled out in human battleships- you will be pleased to know I did not go down without a fight!

Group 3- Fire Lighting- after missing campfire due to the rain, all of the children wanted to toast marshmallows over their fires, unfortunately a cotton wool ball and 5 sticks didn’t really generate quite enough heat- thank goodness.


In between activities the children have been playing football, exploring the graounds and generally finding as much mud as they can. The suitcases are going to be twice as heavy on the way home and I can only apologise for the washing.


Dinner tonight was Hamburgers/veggie burgers and fries. They all were fully loaded and consumed quickly. Again our children’s manners were commented on and the staff said they look forward to our children coming in to eat. They use please and thank you and have good appetites. No complaining and leave the dinner area tidy and clean.


Back to the house after dinner to make ourselves gorgeous for the end celebrations. Turns out I’m not the only fantastic singer in the school. Goodness me can your children party- dancing and singing non-stop for an hour and a half meant they were exhausted and ready for their beds. Each night I ask them about their favourite part of the day, tonight I asked them their favourite part of the week. The answers varied from food, through to skateboards, fire lighting and one of them said- spending time with each other. Your children are adorable. They are coming home exhausted, happy and couple have the start of a cold. But we have had an amazing week and Thank you whole heartedly for lending us your children.

See you Soon

Miss B, Ms DeVilliers, Mr Taggart and Year 6


Day Three

Day three and no rain- well at first


This morning was a Gloria Gaynor favourite- I will survive was the wake up song of choice. I have to say the reception I get is rather frosty at 7:30am.


Up and on the field for 8am I think there were more on the field this morning than wanted extra time in bed.

Breakfast this morning was the usual unlimited cereal, toast and yoghurts along with bacon and beans.


After breakfast was eaten, the tables cleared we were off on our first activities.

Group 1-Body Zorbing or as we like to call it the human hamster ball

Group 2-The Cube- Solving a number of puzzles

Group 3-escape and evasion- orienteering and solving spy missions


A quick break to fill water bottles and eat some snacks (like we needed them!) and we were off to activity number2.

Group 1-aeroball- turning out to be a class favourite

Group 2-archery- WOW- how many children managed to hit the target was impressive although we did have to stop part way through as the cows in the next field came over to have a look what the score was and the children really wanted to go and say hi to them.

Group 3-The cube- Guiding your blindfolded  partner through a maze of shapes seems to be a popular puzzle.


Lunchtime came around very quickly today and there were hotdogs and veggie dogs on offer. These were a big hit with the children along with the statutory olives and pickles.


Group 1 & 3-archery

Group 2-escape and evasion- hilarious attempts to answer the riddle “what gets bigger the more you take away”- the answer is a hole- not the ocean, a cloud or a rabbit!!!!!!!


A quick pit stop and it was on to the last activity of the day

Group 1- escape and evasion

Group 2-Body Zorbing- where some of the children spent more time upside down than right side up.

Group 3-aeroball- the childnre have decided they want an aeroball in the playground!


The weather had been kind to us today, right up until the last session, which had some of us running for cover and others testing out their water proof jackets and trousers.


Dinner was chicken curry or tomato based pasta. Not that it mattered as there was a pile of poppadoms as big as their heads. The curry was a hit with many, a few found it too spicy- It was perfect for Mr Taggart and he had seconds! Calippo ice lollies for dessert and we were fully fuelled and off to our night event- It was supposed to be a campfire, but the weather had other plans and we headed to the sports dome to for a games night. Turns out up to about 12 children can jump over a skipping rope in one go, but the whole class is going to take a lot more practise. Bed time rolled around and there were no complaints or moans when asked to go to bed! Lights out before I could tell them to in most rooms.


Another crazy day in Wiltshire, more compliments for your children from the adults working with us and more smiles and laughs than we could point a stick at!


One more sleep until they are back with you. They are tired so expect some tears.

Love as always from Miss B, Ms DeVilliers, Mr Taggart and Year 6


Day two and all is well

So I awoke to the birds outside the windows singing. The children were fast asleep so I felt a tune for them was also the best wake up they could get. All the single ladies was my song of choice and off I went to wake them up. I highly recommend singing to them to wake them up!!! I don't think Taylor Swift got the same reception on her recent tour as I did, apparently my singing is not as amazing as I have led myself to believe! I do requests so let's see what tomorrow brings (my money is on Gloria Gaynor’s I will survive!)

Half of us were on the field by 7:45 playing football in the early morning light, half took an extra 20 minutes in bed! I will let you guess which your child chose. 
8:30 - breakfast and it was toast beans and hash browns. There is unlimited cereal and toast. The children ate really well, I think the fresh air has sharpened their appetites. The kitchen staff commented on how amazing their manners were and that every child had said please and thank you without being prompted. Apparently we are the only school that has done that all year.

9:15 and the first activities-
Group 1- Crystal Maze- solving puzzles, gathering crystal rewards and entering the crystal dome to collect the final prizes.
Group 2- Mission X- A low ropes course and to add to it it began raining. We were all good though.
Group 3- Jacobs ladder- Can’t really be explained and has to be seen to be believed. All of the children made it ti the top- too impressive.

11:15 and activity 2
Group 1- Jacobs ladder- again every one chooses where they want to get to (it's called challenge by choice here) and we try to get them there. Most of them made it to the top, others half way and some just the first rung. the first rung sounds easy- not when the giant log you are climbing on is wet and slippery. This in itself is a feat
Group 2- Crystal Maze-a mix of mental and physical challenges with a few mystery ones thrown in for good measure.
Group 3- Mission X- the team work was amazing

Lunch came and we had jacket potatoes with beans, tuna or cheese. In fact you could have all 3 if you wanted to. Lunchtime also brought another school to the centre. They managed to set off the fire alarm and St Helens were amazing- straight out in to lines and counting off. We are now definitely the best and favourite school here.
After lunch brought a huge rainstorm and we were due to have water wars. We decided that it was a little too wet already so went back to our rooms, got dry, ate a few snacks and played games at the accommodation. Sitting watching them ALL play together and not having to remind them of their behaviour was beautiful. They get on so well. Ms DeVilliers started a book club where lots of them went and read together ( I think it was so Ms DeVilliers could finish her chapter in peace)

The last activity for the day was
Group 1-The cube- more puzzle solving and team work
Group 2-Jacobs ladder- Climbing and helping each other up the ladder.
Group 3- Crystal Maze-puzzle solving and fun

Then came dinner- Mac and cheese or Spaghetti Bolognese- devoured in minutes with chocolate brownie as dessert. 
The evening activity was a sports evening in the big sports dome (they call it the marshmallow factory as part of it is inflated so it looks like a giant marshmallow.)
Dodgeball, tail tag and bench frisbee- I have no idea where they all get their energy. I was exhausted just watching them. 

On the walk back to the house we did a spot of star gazing. We looked for the north ([pole) star and watched some satellites passing overhead. We may have seen a shooting star or it could have been the British Airways flight to New York- we will never know.

Back at the house it was showers, Pjs and sleep-sweet sweet sleep.

Another amazing day with your amazing children
Thank you again for lending them to us this week

Miss B, Ms DeVilliers, Mr Taggart and, of course, Year 6


Channel 4 has Big Brother, St Helens has School Journey, the only difference is no one here is being evicted! - Well not today anyway!!


So today has been a good day. We had an uneventful drive out along the glorious M4! We had sunshine, rain and rainbows. We saw Brentford football stadium and some cows (they were actually horses!) We arrived at Grittleton at around midday, the children were taken all around the site and shown where everything was. We know where to go for all of the activities and more importantly where breakfast, lunch and dinner are served.


We ate our packed lunches at picnic benches in the sunshine. We then went to our first activities. 

Group 1 (Ms DeVilliers group)- Mission X- this involved walking along low tightropes supporting each other. 

Group 2 (Ms B’s group)- Aeroball- imagine basketball mixed with trampolining!!! I was only watching and I was exhausted! 

Then group 3 (Mr Taggart’s group) did body Zorbing- this involves climbing into a big inflatable plastic ball and launching yourself at your opponent. Hilarity ensued!!!! 


After our activity the big reveal took place- we entered out accommodation and started to unpack, make our beds and generally get the layout in our heads. I cant promise the cases will be as beautifully packed when we return on Friday!!


We went off to Dinner where we consumed a vast number of chicken bites, chips and salad. The olives are a hit and apparently the pickles are very ‘picklely'!!! We hen went back to our rooms to prepare for our evening adventure. All coated up and with torches at the ready we set off on our Night hike. We walked around fields, through 'kissing’ gates, past teddy bears and after a mile or so we ended up back at the big house. Everyone was tired and ready for bed. Back. To our accommodation, showers, PJ’s and bed. All fast asleep by 10- which is an amazing record. 



The rain stayed away except for a 15 minute shower that happened on one half of the field and not the other- which was amazing to see. We are hoping that we get lovely weather again tomorrow. We have Crystal maze, Jacobs Ladder, The cube and Mission X.


Your children are amazing- they are a credit to you, their manners have been commented upon and the instructors cant believe how responsive they have been. So I always say this, but thank your for lending your children to me this week, I hope you are not missing them too much, they miss you, but are having a wonderful time.