The Governing Body

All schools have governing bodies made up of different categories of governors.  St Helen's School has:

7 Foundation Governors (appointed by the Bishop)

2 Parent Governors (elected by Parents)

1 Local Authority Governor

1 Staff Governor (elected by the Staff)

The Headteacher


The main role of the governing body is to operate at a strategic level, leaving the head teacher and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to the governing body for the operational day-to-day running of the school.  As such, the three core functions of the governing body are:


1. Ensuring clarity of the Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction; 
2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance and Catholic character of the school and its pupils; and
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


Foundation Governors are specifically appointed by the Bishop to ensure the preservation and development of the school’s Catholic character, to ensure that the school is being conducted as a Catholic school, and to represent the Bishop’s education policy to the governing body.  However, all categories of governor in a Catholic school are required to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school in addition to their other legal duties.  Foundation governors always out number all other governors by two so as to ensure a majority vote where matters of particular Catholic importance arise.      


Governors come in all shapes and sizes and there is no magic formula when it comes to putting together a successful governing body.  But it is important that each governing body has a good mix of skills, knowledge and experiences.  Associate Governors bring their skills and expertise to the board, but do not have voting rights.


The Education Commission manages the process for the appointment of foundation governors, provides support to governing bodies in carrying out their statutory responsibilities and their responsibilities to the Bishop and promotes the development of governors through regular newsletters, briefings and training courses.


The Governors are:

Patricia Dafe (Chair of Governors)

Ben Andrade (Vice Chair of Governors)

John Lloyd (Foundation Governor)

Vacancy (Foundation Governor)

Charmen Smith (Foundation Governor)

Quailyn Gayadeen  (Foundation Governor)

Father Samuel Alabi (Foundation Governor)

Vacancy  (Local Authority Governor)

Nadine Brown (Parent Governor)

Mabel Kwakye (Parent Governor)

Adrian Le Cuirot (Headteacher)

Penny Blewitt (Staff Governor)


Alan Taggart (Associate Member of the St Helen's Governing Body)


There is currently one vacancy for a Foundation Governor who is appointed by the Archbishop and a Local Authority Governor.



Curriculum Committee (Vacancy)

Resources Committee (Chaired by John Lloyd)

Admissions Committee (Chair by Patricia Dafe)

Health and Safety Advice (Reports to Governing Body from Alan Taggart)


The Governing Body keeps a Register of Interests. See below.



Governors' Register of Interest, Duties and Meeting Attendance